Tips for a Stress-Free Bedtime Routine

Tips for a Stress Free Bedtime Routine
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Bedtime can be a challenging time for parents, especially when they’re up against the energy and will of their children. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is key to achieving a peaceful night’s sleep for the entire family. What are the secrets to building a night-time routine that will help you and your little ones settle for the night? Keep reading to find out.

Create a Consistent Schedule:

Designing a consistent bedtime schedule helps signal to your child that it’s time to wind down. Set a fixed bedtime each night and stick to it as closely as possible. Consistency helps regulate your child’s internal clock, promoting better sleep patterns.

Create a Calming Environment:

Transform your child’s bedroom into a peaceful sanctuary by dimming the lights, playing soft music, or using a white noise machine to drown out external noises. A calm environment helps signal relaxation and prepares your child for sleep.

Teach your Children Relaxation Techniques:

Using relaxation techniques such as gentle massages, deep breathing exercises, or storytelling can help your child unwind at bedtime. These activities can create a sense of calm and relaxation, making it easier for your little one to drift off to sleep.

Limit Screen Time Before Bed:

Avoid screens, including smartphones, tablets, and TVs, at least one hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with your child’s sleep cycle. However, allowing your child to watch some free kids cartoons earlier in the evening can help them unwind after a busy day.

Establish a Bedtime Routine:

Create a sequence of activities leading up to bedtime, such as brushing teeth, changing into pyjamas, and reading a story. A consistent routine helps your child understand the expectations and signals that sleep is approaching. It can also help your child to reduce their stress before they go to bed.

Avoid Stimulating Foods and Drinks:

Steer clear of caffeinated drinks and sugary snacks in the evening. If possible, try to minimise these foods after 3 pm if you can. These can interfere with your child’s ability to fall asleep. Instead, offer healthy snacks like fruits or a small glass of warm milk, which can promote a sense of relaxation.

Allow for Wind-Down Time:

Allocate a brief period for winding down before bed, where your child can engage in quiet activities, read a book, or listen to calming music. Each child will relax in a different way, so helping them to find these activities can be good for you and them.

Stay Calm and Patient:

Remain calm and patient throughout the bedtime routine, even if your child resists or stalls. A peaceful and understanding demeanour sets a soothing tone and helps your child feel secure and relaxed. Plus, your children will respond to and emulate the energy that you give off. If you are stressed and frantic, they will often echo this. Staying calm helps to keep your children calm.


By following these tips, you can ensure that your whole family gets a restful night, every night.